When you work with us, you'll get more for your business than if you go it alone.
When you work with us, you'll get more for your business than if you go it alone.
JMR Capital, Inc. provide business valuation services for business owners, banks, CPAs, attorneys and the courts.
Our typical client is a business owner who is thinking about buying or selling a company.
Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraisals are prepared by National Equipment Appraisal, a division of JMR Capital, Inc.
JMR Capital and National Equipment Appraisal's combined talents can handle the entire business sale from concept to closing. We are one of only a few companies that are certified in all three disciplines - Business Valuation, Machinery & Equipment Appraisal and Merger and Acquisition Services.
Phone: 714-282-7146
Mobile: 714-225-6749
Email: advice@jmrichardson.com