Experienced CEO who has run a global, multiple location business-to-business service company with over $150 million in revenue seeks an acquisition with the following chaacteristics:

• Based in the sectors of education and training, human or professional development services, business services or business process outsourcing

• Possessing a unique niche built on proprietary content or systems

• Ability to grow through additional locations, expanded distribution or extending product lines

• Cash flow positive

• Revenues from $5 million to $20 million and EBITDA of at least $1 million

Executive intends to run the business. Also has a willingness to partner with a Private Equity fund for a more sizable transaction [Buyer 607210]

rsz 054 1Mark Richardson
Principal and Founder
Mark has been buying and selling businesses since 1982.


JMR Capital and National Equipment Appraisal's combined talents can handle the entire business sale from concept to closing. We are one of only a few companies that are certified in all three disciplines - Business Valuation, Machinery & Equipment Appraisal and Merger and Acquisition Services.


Phone: 714-282-7146
Mobile: 714-225-6749
Email: advice@jmrichardson.com

JMR Capital, Inc. CA DRE 01815017

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